Kangra green gold.
Caroline jag är inte sjuk, jag lovar, en dag hemma och jag är friskare än friskast imorgon och då vi ska ha vår Indian night!
Testa förresten mitt Himalaya te idag.
Det luktade lika gott som det gjorde inne på tefabriken.
Fast jag köpte téet med för att det var från Indien än för att jag ville dricka det
och asken var rätt fin.
- It has low caffeine compared to that in coffee. It has the ability to expand blood vessels in people, specially women, who drink at least four cups of Tea per day, thus reducing the risk of coronary heart diseases in them.
- It also reduces cholestrol hypertension & cancer of lung, throat, breast, colon & prostate. Drinking Tea prevents dental cavities.
- Tea is virtually calorie-free drink: 1 calorie/100 ml.
- It has nutritional properties which means it is rich in vitamins minerals and antioxidants.
- Consuming 650 ml of tea provides over half of the total intake of dietary flavours, nearly 16% of calcium, 10% of zinc, over 10% of folic acid around 9%, 25% & 6% vitamins B1, B2 & B6 respectively of the daily requirement.
- Tea is pleasant, popular, socially accepted, econimical and safe drink. So enjoy your cup of himalayan Tea and stay assured that it is doing goo to your system...